Lesson Plans :

45 - 60 Mins
The Ethics of AI in Playlist Algorithms: Harmony or Homogeny?

This lesson focuses on the intersection of AI and music, exploring how algorithms curate personalized playlists and the implications for musical diversity and artist exposure. It raises critical discussions on the challenges of algorithmic bias and echo chambers, alongside ethical considerations like privacy and copyright in the digital music landscape. By engaging in simulations and […]

45 - 60 Mins
AI and Art Creation: Imitation or Plagiarism?

This lesson prepares students for a future where they may themselves be creators or consumers of art in an increasingly digital world. It not only introduces them to the intersection of technology and creativity, discussing AI in art, but also encourages critical thinking about the ethical and cultural implications of this technology. This understanding is […]

Young Innovators is a project of Pedagogy.Cloud. Check out our other projects!


Peadgog.ai provides teachers with professional development, including courses, webinars, and in-person events, and tools that help teachers streamline their work with AI.


Socrat.ai helps teachers integrate AI chat bots into their classrooms to provide personalized learning opportunities in a safe and monitored way.